Authentic Supplication Number 185.

‘Anas  said: A man entered the mosque on a Friday, and the Messenger of Allah  was standing in deliverance of a speech, so he said: O Messenger of Allah! The properties have perished, and the means have desisted, so petition Allah to rescue us with rain. So the Messenger of Allah  raised his hands, then he said: ‘Allahumma ‘aghithna, ‘Allahumma ‘aghithna (199).

‘Anas said: By Allah we saw neither cloud nor pieces of cloud in the sky, and there were no buildings or homes between us and Sal’in [a mountain in the northwest of Madeenah]. Then from behind that mountain a cloud came out. Then when it took a central position in the sky it started to spread, then it rained, and no by Allah we did not see the sun for a week. Then a man came in from that door on the following Friday, and the Messenger was standing in deliverance of a speech, he then said: O Messenger of Allah! The properties have perished, and the means have desisted, so ask Allah to withhold the rain from us. So the Prophet  raised his hands and then said: ‘Allahumma hawalayna wa la `alayna, ‘allahumma `ala ‘al-‘akami wath-thirabi, wa butoonil-‘awdiyati, wa manabitish-shajari (200) so it left, and we went out walking in the sun.

(199) O my ‘ilah rescue us with rain, O my ‘ilah rescue us with rain.
(200) O my ‘ilah around us but not upon us, O my ‘ilah onthe hills and the small mountains, and on the interior of valleys, and the growing places of trees. [Notice politeness in not asking for rain to stop].

Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Al-Albani included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #131.

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